Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Boys Vs Girls

Hurray for Champions League.............

There are possibly 9 boys in my living room watching the smelly final and although I would have enjoyed watching Man U get taught how to play soccer, I cant stand the bull shit that boys pull out when they watch games. My dad used to say that girls were squealers because when we got excited we would do the whole "OoohhhhMyGoooooood....." (repeat X 10)

I think boys are way worse. At least with girls, we get excited for five seconds and then we get over it and move onto the next thing. We are generally honest about our emotions and like that would never be bashful about it.

Boys on the other hand.......the complete and utter biased verbal diarrhoea that sprouts from their mouths during any game is laughable. If someone clearly dives and gets a card for trying to get a free or whatever, their fans will shout all sorts of blasphemy at the referee, hoping they might actually be heard and have the ref see their point of view.......

Now I know I have shouted at the TV during several Grey's Anatomy episodes, however, it is more for my own heart-braking benefit than theirs. As it is pre-recorded entertainment, I know for sure there is no changing the outcome. APPARENTLY......I don't understand anything about the game.....

Anyways, I am venting as I listen to the roars coming from the living room. I have gotten way off track, my point is I am much happier in my warm bed, with the remote to myself and, quite unexpectedly, a bag of Pick 'n' Mix that I found!! So whats on....

10 Things You Need to Know about Losing Weight. BBC1 at 8pm

Not many of you may know this but I have four weddings this year, one of which I am a bridesmaid at, and so am a small bit conscious about what I eat and how I exercise these days. So I was interested to see what this programme was gonna tell me, as it was recommended on Today FM's Tony Fenton show. So for all you "Foodies" that might have an interest, here's the best bits of the show!!

1. Choose Low Cal Options of your Favourite Foods.

Ok, this is pretty obvious. We all know that if you go to MacD's you can get salads, but did you know that the MacD's Classic Caesar Salad with grilled chicken has the same amount of calories as a regular hamburger, and the Caesar salad with crispy chicken has the same calories as a cheeseburger. The point they were trying to make is that there are plenty of opportunities to eat healthily, its just that we have too many choices. Next time you have a choice to make, go for the less creamy option of the same meal, e.g. sauce on the side, vinaigrette instead of ranch, olive oil instead of mayo.......easy!!

2. Change your Plate Size- Smaller plates will help you lower your portion size

Duh...........I've tried this, its very strange but it actually works. Once you have cleared you (smaller than normal) plate, you don't feel as stuffed as you would a large plate and your mind will think you are full, as you have licked the plate clean! Now some of us fatties will inevitably always go for seconds, but that's a choice we must battle with!! Who would have thought that your appetite was linked to your psychological subconscious!! ;o)

3. Protein helps keep hunger at bay for longer.

I'm copying this directly from the website;

Protein is better at staving off hunger pangs than any other food type. So, if you're trying to lose weight, you'll feel fuller for longer if you start the day with ham and eggs, rather than muesli and orange juice. This is because protein triggers the production of a special hormone that tells the brain we're full.

4. After exercising your body continues to lose weight.....Even while you sleep!!!!!

When we exercise our metabolism starts working quicker than normal, but when we get off the treadmill and stop "working out" our metabolism still keeps working inside. So we actually lose weight while we sleep. What an awesome theory.....I'm somewhat sceptical!

5. Keep moving and lose weight.

Even if its walking around the house while on the phone, rather than sitting down, you will make a difference. For those of us that have bus services (and actually use them) getting on a stop later or off a stop earlier, or walking up escalators instead of just standing are two simple ways of keeping active without going to the gym! Do I sound like a PSA yet?!?!

6. Soup will keep you full

This one I really like, but Jonathan was very sceptical. See if you drink a glass of water with your dinner, it will pass through your system quicker than your food and leave your stomach with only your food left in it. You may feel full during your dinner, but about 20 minutes later, you don't feel full anymore. So if you take the same meal and make it into soup (easy to do, add water, blend, boil it up, small bit of butter or milk to taste, mustard powder does the trick too!!) and the food will take longer to digest! Now Jonathan's theory is that drinking water with dinner will dilute the stomach acid, therefor it will take longer to digest the food, and you will feel fuller for longer! I have no scientific evidence of that, so bear with me, and I will investigate!!!

7. Don't Blame Your Metabolism

This one is great. A lot of people say "I just have a slow metabolism" Bullsh*t!!! If you think you have a slow metabolism and cant lose weight, then try this little test; document everything you eat for a few days, absolutely everything, even if its a sneaky choccie digestive.....or four! Then after a few days of documenting, count the calories that you have eaten for the past few days. Try to get the exact calories for what you eat, and be specific!! You might be surprised about the amount of food you eat!! Simple!!!!

8. Low Fat Dairy can help you excrete more fat

This is my Favourite!!!! Before I go any further, I would like to let you know that if I were stranded on a desert island, cheese would be the only food I would take with me! I'm that crazy about it!

So I was very interested to see this part of the show. I have copied this part from the website too, cos its a little scienc-y!!

By far the most intriguing revelation, however, is the fact that a diet high in low-fat dairy products (skimmed milk, cottage cheese, crème fraiche, etc.) can help you excrete more fat. Now concentrate, here's the science bit: the calcium in dairy products binds to fat molecules in our small intestine, forming a soap-like substance that we can't absorb – so the fat and calcium pass straight through you. This means that, rather than sitting on your hips, the fat ends up in the toilet. Brilliant!
To prove it, Blur guitarist-turned-farmer Alex James sportingly agreed to follow a high-dairy diet for one week, while sending off regular poo samples to a lab in Holland. He followed this with a week-long low-dairy diet, which contained exactly the same number of calories. Amazingly, Alex excreted more than double the amount of fat on the high-dairy diet.

So I am now gonna start drinking a glass of skimmed milk with my dinner and cottage cheese with lunch instead of regular cheese with my lunch!! I cant wait!!

So for the perceptive ones that are reading this, you may notice there are only 8 things, not 10 as advertised......I was watching and writing at the same time....I missed two of them, plus I cant find them on the net just yet!! I'll keep ye posted if I find them, but I think I got the best ones out of it anyways!!

I hope I have wasted some of your precious time and that you are more educated in the ways of men, soccer and weight loss!!

Peace out Bloggers!

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